Cards in The Newborn Dragon

UR Rarity
Blue-Eyes Jet Dragon
UR Rarity
Mystical Elf - White Lightning
UR Rarity
Tri-Brigade Mercourier
UR Rarity
Vampire Voivode
UR Rarity
Lubellion the Searing Dragon
UR Rarity
Mirrorjade the Iceblade Dragon
UR Rarity
Borrelend Dragon
UR Rarity
Ghostrick Festival
UR Rarity
Swordsoul Sinister Sovereign - Qixing Longyuan
UR Rarity
The Zombie Vampire
UR Rarity
Odd-Eyes Rebellion Dragon Overlord
UR Rarity
Branded Fusion
UR Rarity
Branded Lost
SR Rarity
Dictator of D.
SR Rarity
Ghost Wyvern, the Underworld Dragon
SR Rarity
Ghostrick Lantern
SR Rarity
Ghostrick Siren
SR Rarity
Kaiser Glider - Golden Burst
SR Rarity
Silverrokket Dragon
SR Rarity
Yakusa, Lord of the Eight Thunders
SR Rarity
Blue-Eyes Tyrant Dragon
SR Rarity
Dragonecro Nethersoul Dragon
SR Rarity
Neo Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon
SR Rarity
Dharc the Dark Charmer, Gloomy
SR Rarity
Vampire Fascinator
SR Rarity
White Knight of Dogmatika
SR Rarity
White Relic of Dogmatika
SR Rarity
The Golden Swordsoul
SR Rarity
SR Rarity
Ghostrick or Treat
R Rarity
Ghost Lancer, the Underworld Spearman
R Rarity
Ghost Sleeper, the Underworld Princess
R Rarity
Shadow Vampire
R Rarity
Springans Kitt
R Rarity
Swordsoul Strategist Longyuan
R Rarity
Vampire Ghost
R Rarity
Rokket Caliber
R Rarity
Supreme King Dragon Dark Rebellion
R Rarity
Odd-Eyes Rebellion Dragon
R Rarity
Clear New World
R Rarity
Dragon Revival Rhapsody
R Rarity
Ghost Fusion
R Rarity
Ghostrick Museum
R Rarity
Ghostrick Shot
R Rarity
Top Share
R Rarity
Ultimate Fusion
R Rarity
Vision with Eyes of Blue
R Rarity
Branded Retribution
R Rarity
Judgment of the Branded
R Rarity
Swordsoul Strife
N Rarity
Crow Tengu
N Rarity
Exploderokket Dragon
N Rarity
Ghostrick Nekomusume
N Rarity
Ghostrick Witch
N Rarity
Keeper of the Shrine
N Rarity
Lady of D.
N Rarity
Odd-Eyes Dragon
N Rarity
Odd-Eyes Lancer Dragon
N Rarity
Odd-Eyes Saber Dragon
N Rarity
Rokket Recharger
N Rarity
Swordsoul Auspice Chunjun
N Rarity
Vampire Red Baron
N Rarity
Supreme King Gate Infinity
N Rarity
Supreme King Gate Zero
N Rarity
Master with Eyes of Blue
N Rarity
Borrel Regenerator
N Rarity
Branded Disciple
N Rarity
N Rarity
Heritage of the Light
N Rarity
Rage with Eyes of Blue
N Rarity
Tri-Brigade Stand-Off
N Rarity
Vampire Kingdom
N Rarity
Vampire's Domain
N Rarity
Borrel Cooling
N Rarity
Branded Sword
N Rarity
Dogmatika Encounter
N Rarity
Execute Protocols
N Rarity
Ghostrick Scare
N Rarity
Ghostrick Vanish
N Rarity
Loop of Destruction
N Rarity
N Rarity
Springans Call!
N Rarity
Swordsoul Assessment
N Rarity
Tribe Drive
N Rarity
Vampire Takeover